Family & School: The Best Way of Blending and Building Armenian Education
The best way of building Armenian education begins with family. It’s important for the older generation to take responsibility in providing the younger generation with Armenian traditions, culture, faith and language. Father Abraham Hakobian from North Carolina, USA, joined the Armenian Virtual College community in the Fall Term...

Paris Armenian School Principals Discuss AVC Hybrid Program
During a trip to Paris, France in November, the Armenian Virtual College Founder Dr. Yervant Zorian was honored with a dedicated AVC event held at the AGBU Cultural Center in Paris for the principals and teachers of the Armenian schools in the Paris area.
The event began with opening remarks by Nadia Gortzounian, chairman of the France District of AGBU...

AVC TV School Reaches Russian-Speaking Audience
2015 marked another milestone in AVC’s history of introducing new means to learn the Armenian language. Having premiered in 2014 with instructional programming targeted for English languare viewers, a new set of AVC TV School Program was back in October 2015 – now with Russian language instruction – with the English-language episodes continuing as reruns throughout the year...

AGBU Egypt: Hand in Hand with AVC
On December 6, 2015 AVC Founder Dr. Yervant Zorian visited Cairo for two public events, a meeting with AVC students and a public talk on e-learning and AVC.
A special meeting at the Kalousdian-Noubarian school in Cairo between some of AVC’s past and current students and the AVC Founder turned into an open and sincere discussion session. The students shared their warm impressions of the learning process at AVC...

AVC at Detroit’s AGBU Alex and Marie Manoogian School
The AGBU Alex and Marie Manoogian School in Detroit, USA has been one of the dedicated users of AVC’s Hybrid Education Program since Fall Term 2011.
The AGBU Alex and Marie Manoogian School has successfully incorporated courses of Western Armenian in its academic curricula. In addition, the students regularly sign up for the courses of Armenian Culture...

Armenian Virtual College at ArmTech Congress’15
The AGBU Armenian Virtual College was among the participants of the ArmTech Congress 2015 held in Yerevan on October 12 and 13, 2015. A non profit-global network, ArmTech aims to further the success of Armenia’s high-tech industry in a dynamic global free-market economy. AVC Academic Director, Dr. Hasmik Khalapyan, presented AVC at the event with her talk...

Heritage and Remembrance Seminar in Budapest
Between October 16 and 18, 2015,the “Heritage and Remembrance” Seminar in Budapest took place under the umbrella of the “A Europe of Diasporas” Project. The seminar was a jointly organized by AGBU Europe, Phiren Amenca and EUJS 33 participants to discuss and focus on the respective heritages of Diasporas...

AVC’s Chess Certification Ceremony at AGBU Cairo
On October 24, 2015, the AGBU Chaker Center in Heliopolis held a Chess Certification Ceremony and a cultural event. During the event AGBU Egypt Chairman Dr. Viken Djizmedjian, AGBU AVC Liaison in Egypt Anna Dolabjian and the AVC Hybrid Chess Teacher Vartan Shoushanian awarded certificates to the AVC-AGBU Chess Club members...

AVC Discussion with CPA Group in Paris
Within the frames of a visit to Paris, France in November 2015, the Armenian Virtual College Founding President Dr. Yervant Zorian was hosted at the periodic meeting of the Circle of Professional Armenians (CPA).
The event began with the opening of the founder and chairman of the organization, Mr. Eric Dadian...

AVC Continues Fruitful Collaboration with Sao Paolo’s Durian School
The AGBU Armenian Virtual College Hybrid Education Program has recorded another success story in Hay Azkayin Durian School in Sao Paolo, Brazil.
Acknowledging the benefits of hybrid learning, the blend of traditional and online education, the Hay Azkayin Durian School in Sao Paolo, joined the AVC Hybrid Program for the academic term of Spring 2011...

Beijing Armenian Embassy Hosts AVC Founder
2015 continued opening of new horizons for the Armenian Virtual College in Asia, following AVC Founder Yervant Zorian’s visit to Beijing, China in Sept.
The offerings of AVC were previously introduced to one of China’s major cities, Hong Kong. Dr. Zorian’s recent visit to the capital of Beijing was another opportunity to confirm the ties with the country and the Armenians residing...

AVC Expanding Networks Locally and Globally
AVC’s policy of networking with Armenian schools recently involved the Armenian Lyceum in Yerevan, named after Anania Shirakatsi. On December 11, 2015 AGBU Armenian Virtual College team was hosted at the Lyceum, where AVC Founder Yervant Zorian, was invited to give a talk to the high school students. Over 100 students and teachers took the opportunity to learn how technology...

Amman, Jordon – a New Point on AVC’s Extended Map
The Armenian Community of Amman, Jordan, hosted AVC Founding President Dr. Yervant Zorian on December 17, 2015 for a public lecture. Dr. Zorian had the honor to present the objectives and achievements of AVC to the members of the community, as well as the new horizons that AVC’s e-Learning programs could offer the Armenians of Amman...
