A Singaporean-Australian Woman Learning Armenian
For Karmun Khoo, living in different places and learning different languages is not something unusual. Born and raised in Singapore, Karmun moved to Australia for school. Here she learned to speak French fluently, and studied Spanish and German extensively. Currently focusing on Latin, she is getting ready for a move to the United Kingdom in order to study history.
As Karmun is very fond of learning languages, she discovered Armenian Virtual College (AVC) on a website that offers a list of available online language courses....

A Rewarding Collaboration: AVC and Armenian Community of Rostov-on-Don
Year 2016 marks the five years of fruitful collaboration between AVC and the Armenian Community Center of Rostov-on-Don. The seeds of cooperation were planted back in 2011 with the opening of an AVC lab at the Community Center in Rostov-on-Don. Thirteen students were enrolled in the first class. Since then, due to the permanent support of Nakhichevan-on-Don Armenian community leader Harutyun Surmalyan, Executive Director Sergey Sayadov and dedicated hybrid teacher Armine Vardanyan, the program has grown, and the number of participants has reached 250. ...

YSIP 2016 Classes with AVC: Best Practice of Blended Learning
This summer, eighteen participants of the AGBU Summer Intern Program developed their Western Armenian language skills through AVC’s Hybrid Education Program.
The program began on June 20 and ended on July 29, 2016. The interns were divided to groups based on their language skills. Using online-based teaching materials, AVC Online Instructors Ani Dekirmenchyan and Zepur Kheblikian acted as onsite instructors leading the students throughout the courses. ...

Ari Tun’s 2016 Annual Visits to the Armenian Virtual College
The long-term partnership between the Ministry of Diaspora and AVC, within the frames of the Ari Tun project, unfolded for yet another time in summer of 2016. More than 800 participants of the Ari Tun program visited AVC through eight organized tours.
During the visit, the participants were exposed to many alternative educational programs made available by AVC. Through interactive presentations held by AVC faculty members and staff, the young students were invited to participate in games and quizzes built around the Armenian language, history and culture. ...

Celebrating Six Years of Partnership: AVC and AGBU Marie Manoogian Institute in Buenos Aires
About a year after AVC was founded, in fall of 2010, the AGBU Marie Manoogian Institute in Buenos Aires, Argentina, expressed interest in the unique online education program. Shortly after the first teachers of the school had been trained by AVC faculty, AVC Armenian Language curriculum was adopted by the School. Since then, AVC Hybrid Education Program has been an inseparable part of the Institute’s language-learning curriculum. From initial two classes with 29 students in 2010, the program has grown to include around 120 students each academic year. ...

AVC Presented to Diaspora Armenian Teachers
Summer 2016 proved to be as busy for AVC as past summers with many visitors to the College and presentations about online educational possibilities. Notable among such events was the meeting with Armenian teachers of Diaspora who visited Yerevan to participate in the Summer School Program 2016 organized by the Ministry of Diaspora of Armenia (MOD).
On July 7, MOD organized an Expo at Yerevan State University to present the Higher Education sector in Armenian to the visiting teachers. ...

Collaboration between AVC and the Ani Project
Ani, a project launched in 2015 that seeks to develop English-language skills of Armenian middle-schoolers, needed strong support in Armenia in order to raise awareness about its activities within school structures in Armenia. Ani and AVC partnered toward this goal with the expectation that AVC would invest its expertise in online learning and familiarity with school structure in Armenia toward the success of the project.
Since March 2016, AVC Partnership Development Specialist Naira Gasparyan began active communication with...

AVC Participates at Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation
On June 3, AVC Academic Director Dr. Hasmik Khalapyan spoke about AVC’s innovative educational program within the framework of the first AUA Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of AUA and the opening of AUA’s Entrepreneurship & Product Innovation Center (EPIC).
Various entrepreneurial software and hardware companies were presented at the conference that covered multiple panels. In her presentation, Dr. Hasmik Khalapyan spoke about the new type of learner and new learning culture, ...

AGBU Schools and Program Participants Visit AVC
On June 10, AVC hosted around 30 students of AGBU Manoogian-Demirdjian School from Canoga Park, California, and around 40 guests from AGBU Vatche and Tamar Manoukian High School from Pasadena, California. During the presentation, AVC Partnership Development Specialist Naira Gasparyan introduced the visitors to the primary goals and mission of AVC, and spoke about the activities and opportunities provided by the College. ...
