“The Way The AGBU AVC Chess Course Is Presented Is Excellent” - Ruben Baziyants 09/07/2024

AGBU AVC e-learner Ruben Baziyants, born in an Armenian family in Moscow, Russia, moved with his family to North Carolina, US, when he was ten years old and has resided there since.


Armenian was Ruben’s first language, but he quickly lost proficiency when he started attending school. To reconnect with his heritage and improve communication with his grandmother, Ruben began an online search for resources to relearn the language.


His search led him to AGBU Armenian Virtual College (AVC), where he discovered he could take not only Armenian language courses but also chess classes. Having been a chess enthusiast from an early age, Ruben was excited to learn and enrolled in both classes.


“I was happy to see that, in addition to Armenian, there was a chess course available as well,” he says.


Ruben was first introduced to chess by his grandfather. “With incredible patience, he taught me how to play and how all the pieces move. After moving to the US, I would often play chess with my dad,” he recalls.


Although his interest in chess waned as he grew older, the uncertain times of the 2020 Pandemic reignited his passion for the game, and he started playing online more regularly.


“Chess offers a wonderful distraction for me; I can fully immerse myself in the game, and all my day-to-day worries seem to vanish as I contemplate the best moves and try to predict my opponent’s strategy.” Ruben says, adding that his biggest achievement in chess is reaching the point where he consistently wins games against his father, a shift from his childhood where his father would often come out on top.


The AGBU AVC online chess course helped Ruben further improve his skills. “I am pleased to say that my expectations were fully met. The course provided an insightful overview of the rich history and evolution of chess, which enhanced my appreciation for the game. Additionally, the practical strategies and techniques I learned have improved my playing ability. The way the information is presented is excellent.”


AGBU AVC Online Instructor Mane Adamyan describes Ruben as a responsible e-learner. “He is always very well prepared and does all the assignments and exams with excellence,” she says.


Ruben is determined to continue his studies at AGBU AVC. “I plan to complete the entire chess course to broaden my skills and continue learning the Armenian language.”


Studying at AVC also helped Ruben strengthen his connection to his roots and homeland. He vividly recalls his first visit to Armenia: “I distinctly remember seeing Mount Aragats and being in awe of its size and beauty. I loved trying all the delicious food, exploring downtown Yerevan, and experiencing the stunning greenery and nature. I hope to visit again someday.”