

Armenia, Yerevan, December 22, 2009 - Today the Armenian Virtual College (AVC) of the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) has announced the visit of Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan and vice-president of the Chess Federation of Armenia Smbat Lputyan. The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the activities of the Armenian Virtual College, as well as with the results of the previous two terms.
Approximately 300 students from 25 countries studied in AVC during the Summer and Fall terms of 2009. They successfully completed courses offered in the following subjects: Western Armenian, Eastern Armenian, Armenian History and Introduction to Armenian Architecture. The interest towards the program increased among the students from the U.S., France and Canada, the number of students from various geographical places like, Belgium, New Zealand, and Syria also grew. Most of the students are from the United States then comes France, Canada and Russia. It is worth mentioning that there are many students from Brazil, Argentina and even the Reunion Island.
At the moment there is a period of registration for the winter semester of 2010 at AVC, and the classes will begin on 11th of January, 2010. The guests learned that a large number of students who successfully finished one term at AVC are interested to continue their studies and in subsequent terms.
This project is very important for several reasons. First of all it is available for everyone, the Armenian Virtual College provides a great potential in bringing together the Armenians throughout the Diaspora and prevents it from the risk of estrangement. With the help of modern technology, it creates such an educational program that disseminates the Armenian cultural heritage, not only among Armenians, but also among foreigners "- signified Mrs. Hakobyan.
Attaching particular importance to the role and meaning of the Armenian Virtual College, the Minister of Diaspora expressed readiness to promote this project in all possible ways.
About Armenian Virtual College
The Armenian Virtual College is the newest learning institute of the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU). The AVC’s focus is helping learners acquire basic knowledge in Armenian studies.
The Armenian Virtual College offers now Armenian education curriculum covering three major subject domains: Language, History and Culture, each of which offers several courses in varying skill levels. In order to truly accomplish the institute’s aim to widen the reach of Armenian education worldwide, the program is been made available in six languages: Armenian (Eastern & Western), English, Russian, French and Spanish.
Through the use of both synchronous and asynchronous communications, AVC allows students to learn new material at their own pace, but also to confer face-to-face with their virtual teachers and classmates. In addition to weekly lessons, students will have access to multimedia study tools, assignments, quizzes, course calendars, syllabi, drop boxes, and grade books. Moreover, discussion forums, email, and live chat options will provide students with the opportunities to better connect with their classmates and to forge friendships with fellow students from across the globe.
For additional information about AVC, please visit us at: www.avc-agbu.org or write to info@avc-agbu.org.